February 2025: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

Page 4

MASJID TUCSON United Submitters International

PO Box 43476 Tucson AZ 85733-3476 USA

Tel/Fax: (520) 323 7636

Masjid Tucson site: https://www.masjidtucson.org

Masjid Tucson e-mail: info@masjidtucson.org

Happiness is
Submission to God Alone

ISSN 1089-053X

Winners and Losers

Cont'd from page 3

[7:8] The scales will be set on that day, equitably. Those whose weights are heavy will be the winners.

[30:38] Therefore, you shall give the relatives their rightful share (of charity), as well as the poor, and the traveling alien. This is better for those who sincerely seek GOD’s pleasure; they are the winners.

[23:111] “I have rewarded them today, in return for their steadfastness, by making them the winners.”

[28:67] As for those who repent, believe, and lead a righteous life, they will end up with the winners.

[59:20] Not equal are the dwellers of the Hellfire and the dwellers of Paradise; the dwellers of Paradise are the winners.

Winning athletes often have innate physical abilities that enhance their chance for success. We also have a God-given head start to becoming a winner. We are born with instinctive knowledge about God. That’s like the “athletic ability” or the “God-given gifts” people talk about for athletes. We’re born with this. All of us. Praise be to God.



We Are Born With Instinctive Knowledge About God

[7:172] Recall that your Lord summoned all the descendants of Adam, and had them bear witness for themselves: “Am I not your Lord?” They all said, “Yes. We bear witness.” Thus, you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection, “We were not aware of this.”

That’s just the beginning. The rules of the game are spelled out, and we have all the “moves” or “answers” we need in the Quran. That’s our “playbook”, the perfect one too. Full of wisdom. And we have the best “Coach” for this playbook, GOD (55:1-2)!

May God help us to do the work, and avoid the pitfalls, so we can all become winners.

Happiness: Now and Forever

[10:62] Absolutely, GOD’s allies have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.

[10:63] They are those who believe and lead a righteous life.

[10:64] For them, joy and happiness in this world, as well as in the Hereafter. This is GOD’s unchangeable law. Such is the greatest triumph. [10:65] Do not be saddened by their utterances.


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2 Timothy 2:5 …an athlete cannot receive the winner’s crown except by competing according to the rules.


Be included in our email list for weekly reminders

God has blessed us with the opportunity to send weekly reminders to submitters on our list. The email is not long. It usually consists of a topic and the corresponding Quranic verses and links to get more information. The reminder is sent every Thursday/Friday, God willing.

[51:55]  And remind, for the reminder benefits the believers.

We would like every submitter, whether receiving our newsletters or not, to be included in the list. God willing you can join the list by sending an email to
info@masjidtucson.org and saying that you want to be in the weekly reminder list. If you want to make it a really short email, write “weekly reminder” in the subject line and send it. Or join from:  https://masjidtucson.org/current/ weekly.html

If you also include in the email your city and state, God willing we can compile this information and use it for the submitters who are asking to communicate with other submitters in their area.