June 2024: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

Page 2

God knows everything

Cont'd from page 1

Ocean exploration is extremely difficult. In comparison to the length of human history, it is a rather modern journey. The deeper into the ocean you travel, the darker it becomes. The vast majority of the ocean is pitch black and receives no sunlight. In the early 1500s, scientists were already looking into space, but no one could look much further than a few dozen feet deep into the ocean. A large amount of the equipment needed to explore ocean depths has only been invented recently.

Another obstacle is the pressure. The deeper you go under the sea, the greater the pressure of the water. Without proper equipment, humans cannot survive the pressure. God has designed animals of the sea to have no problem with this. Sperm whales can reach depths of 7000 feet or more as they hunt giant squid. When God creates, He creates the best. When we humans make things, we constantly find errors and have to make updated models. God didn’t have to put out a 2024 edition sperm whale. God’s design is flawless.

[25:2] The One to whom belongs all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He never had a son, nor does He have any partners in sovereignty. He created everything in exact measure; He precisely designed everything.

The average depth of the ocean is about 12,000 feet. The deepest, the Challenger Deep, along the Mariana Trench, is over 35,000 feet deep, much deeper than Mt Everest is tall. The pressure at that depth would feel like 100 elephants standing on your head.

Victor Vescovo, a retired naval officer, recently made the deepest dive into the Challenger Deep in a specially crafted submarine. He was able to film sea life and the rocks on the ocean floor. And he also found a man-made object, believed to be plastic. Humans have managed to litter the deepest point on earth.

How about some ocean “fun facts”—things God knows (since He created them) and allows us to have knowledge of as well. [From: “Twenty fun facts about the ocean” by Alexandra Clendenning]

About 94 % of the earth’s wildlife is found in the ocean.

More than 70 % of the earth’s oxygen is produced by the ocean.

The sun is what makes the ocean blue.

Coral creates its own “sunscreen” by producing coral fluoresce that protects the algae found in coral.

The largest mountain range is found underwater and is called the Mid-Oceanic Ridge. It is around 40,390 miles long and wraps around the globe with different branches.

The loudest sound ever recorded was made by an iceberg, breaking off from a glacier in 1997. The sound was recorded and named “the Bloop.” It was said to be heard from more than 3000 miles away.

Ice found in the ocean is safe enough to drink. You first must let the fresh ice sit to let the brine release. After that, the ice is safe to consume.
90% of the earth’s volcanic activity happens in the ocean.

Over 3 million shipwrecks are estimated to lie on the ocean floor.

There are more historic artifacts under the sea than in all of the world’s museums.

The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from the moon.

The largest blue whale on record was 108 feet long. That’s as tall as an 11-story building.

There are more than 240,000 marine species in the world’s waters. That’s the “known” species. God knows that there may be thousands more.
Only about 5% of the ocean’s floor has been mapped in detail.

[34:2] He knows everything that goes into the earth, and everything that comes out of it, and everything that comes down from the sky, and everything that climbs into it. He is the Most Merciful, the Forgiving.

[57:4] He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then assumed all authority. He knows everything that enters into the earth, and everything that comes out of it, and everything that comes down from the sky, and everything that climbs into it. He is with you wherever you may be. GOD is Seer of everything you do.

[6:13] To Him belongs everything that dwells in the night and the day. He is the Hearer, the Knower.

[11:6] There is not a creature on earth whose provision is not guaranteed by GOD. And He knows its course and its final destiny. All are recorded in a profound record.

Praise God for allowing us to explore His earth, and to witness the submission that is happening every day right in front of us, and deep in the waters below us. Praise God for giving us some knowledge of all the things He has created, and He controls. Now when Gabriel and I are driving, he may be watching his tablet and from the back he’ll say, “Eubie, nobody knows everything. Only God knows everything. He’s the strongest and Most Powerful.” And I’ll say, “Yes, son, you are correct. Praise be to God.”


Photos: ocean—Elias, Pixabay; humpback whale—Brigitte Werner, Pixabay

Humpback whale