Submission (Islam)

“Submission” is the religion whereby we recognize God’s absolute authority, and reach an unshakable conviction that God ALONE possesses all power; no other entity possesses any power that is independent of Him. The natural result of such a realization is to devote our lives and our worship absolutely to God ALONE. This is the First Commandment in all the scriptures, including the Old Testament, the New Testament, and this Final Testament.

What does Submission mean?

  1. Introduction
  2. The First Pillar of Submission
  3. Abraham: Original Messenger of Submission
  4. Religious Duties: A Gift From God
  5. Quran: all you need for salvation
  6. Who is Your God?
  7. New Era in Human History: Purify, Unify, Consolidate Your Religions Into One
  8. Divine Intervention To Save All Believers In God ... Let us all Unite and Listen to our Creator
  9. United Submitter Nation

Introduction to Submission: General

  1. Understanding Islam —an introductory booklet on Submission (Islam)
  2. You may already be a submitter
  3. Who Are Submitters and What is Submission?
  4. Understanding Submission (Islam), a way of life
  5. The Religion of Submission
  6. Understanding Islam "Submission"
  7. Submission: True Islam
  8. Pillars of Submission: Declaration of Faith, Contact Prayers, Obligatory Charity, Fasting, Pilgrimage
  9. What is Islam?
  10. Are Muslims Really Muslims? (full version of article: Are Muslims Really Muslims?)
  11. Religion of Islam (Submission)

Devoting our worship to God alone

  1. Submission to God Alone
  2. Worship God Alone
  3. Act of Submitting to God Alone
  4. Worshiping GOD Alone: Universal Faith

Bringing today's Islam back to the Quran

  1. Islamic Justices does NOT cut off the hand of the thief (see more on Criminal Justice in Islam)
  2. To Save the Muslim Ummah: we must return to obeying the prophet
  3. A Prayer of Thanks to God
  4. The Human Factor
  5. Elite of the Elite (56:10) A Most Fortunate Generation
  6. Sects condemned in Submission (Islam)
  7. True Islam Hijacked
  8. HISLAM: The Corruption of Religion in Our Lives
  9. True Islam (Submission): No Blind Faith
  10. What have the Muslims done to Islam?
  11. Consulting spiritual gurus, astrologers, witchcraft, talismans, rebirth, speaking to the dead … What position do these hold in Submission (Islam)?
  12. Submitters and the “Islamic” World

Coming to Submission

  1. Inviting to God: How to spread God's message
  2. Is Islam spread by sword?
  3. Conversion process for Islam (Submission), and false cultural barriers in adopting Submission
  4. Critical Questions for Convert Muslims Who Seek Nothing But The Truth

Working on our Submission, improving ourselves

  1. Fine Tuning Towards Submission
  2. Distraction Recognition
  3. Passing the Test
  4. The A-B-C’s of Meditation
  5. Seeking Forgiveness: Most essential for our salvation
  6. Leap Year: Let's Leap Ahead in Submission
  7. Feeling Faith

Other Articles

  1. Submission: The Next American Religion?
  2. Terrorism forbidden
  3. Jihad and Striving
  4. Women in Submission (Islam)
  5. Abraham and the Sacrifice (God did not order Abraham to sacrifice his son)
  6. Submission to God Alone: A Beginner's Thoughts
  7. The Rites of Our Religion
  8. The Truth about Intercession
  9. The right way now distinct from the wrong way
  10. Guidance—A Gift From God
  11. Self-knowledge and Spiritual Yearning
  12. Faith=Believe What We Do Not See
  13. Finding God in our lives
  14. Protecting our right to religious freedom
  15. God's Proofs all around us
  16. Tests or Punishments: God’s efficient growth system for Submitters
  17. The World Must Choose AI