January 2025: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Rajab 1446

Volume 41 No 1

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Submitters Perspective

Monthly Bulletin of the International Community of Submitters Published by Masjid Tucson

Are you an Idol Worshiper?

Your god is whatever occupies your mind most of the time. Idol worship is something or someone that becomes more important to us than God. Some examples are man-made objects that are worshiped, like statues; a person who is loved, admired, or respected to the point of idolization; things in our lives that take up most of our time; anything that takes our focus off of God. Think about these things.

Identity: Our ego or sense of self is often one of the biggest idols we worship today. If we are focused on the self and what people think of us, we risk becoming our own idol. This subtle form of idolatry exists when we place more value on who we are than on who God is. And if we anchor our identity to social media, a job, a friends’ circle, appearances or achievements, we will constantly feel like we don’t measure up. But when we secure our identity to God, we experience true freedom.

[12:53] “I do not claim innocence for myself. The self is an advocate of vice, except for those who have attained mercy from my Lord. My Lord is Forgiver, Most Merciful.”

cultivating money

Money/material things: Western culture has long bowed to money and possessions. The pursuit of wealth and buying more and more things can consume us. It can become an idol. Whether rich, poor, or somewhere in between, money can quickly entrap us. Once money is an idol, we can never have enough of it. And it will lead us to choices that compromise our soul and happiness. Money itself isn’t bad—it’s a tool. But when we place our trust in it instead of God, we’ve misplaced our faith. We must learn to trust God alone.

[3:186] You will certainly be tested, through your money and your lives, and you will hear from those who received the scripture, and from the idol worshipers, a lot of insult.

If you steadfastly persevere and lead a   righteous life, this will prove the strength of your faith.

[10:58] Say, “With GOD’s grace and with His mercy they shall rejoice.” This is far better than any wealth they can accumulate.

Jobs/status: A job used to be just a means to support one’s family. Now, it’s often seen as an extension of who we are. While it’s important to find a job that aligns with our skills and passions, we must avoid making it our idol. A job may last 50 years. Our soul lasts forever.

[28:76] Qãroon (the slave driver) was one of Moses’ people who betrayed them and oppressed them. We gave him so many treasures that the keys thereof were almost too heavy for the strongest band. His people said to him, “Do not be so arrogant; GOD does not love those who are arrogant.”

Physical appearance:  Everywhere we look, advertisements promise to “fix” our appearance, making us look younger, or better.


Cont'd on page 2

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