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These are the party of the devil. Absolutely, the party of the devil are the losers.
[59:16] They are like the devil: he says to the human being, “Disbelieve,” then as soon as he disbelieves, he says, “I disown you. I fear GOD, Lord of the universe.”
[43:36] Anyone who disregards the message of the Most Gracious, we appoint a devil to be his constant companion.
The word God appears in Quran thousands of times; the word devil (plus the word Satan) around 100. No contest!
We love acronyms in this world, and GOAT is a common one. Michael Jordan, Tom Brady are considered among the Greatest Of All Time. But truly the One God is God Of All Things! And our job is to worship Him and glorify Him, to steadfastly persevere in following His guidance.
Laziness kills ambition
Jealousy kills peace
Anger kills wisdom
Fear kills dreams
Always, God wins and good wins. So let’s be good and thank God for everything.
* * * * *
It is only because of God’s immense mercy, that we have this final opportunity, this life, to turn to Him alone and grow our souls. Thank you, God!
[67:2] The One who created death and life for the purpose of distinguishing those among you who would do better. He is the Almighty, the Forgiving.
We have no time to waste. This life is short. We only have until our life here ends. Will that be today? Tomorrow? Or years from now?
[16:77] To GOD belongs the future of the heavens and the earth. As far as He is concerned, the end of the world (the Hour) is a blink of an eye away, or even closer. GOD is Omnipotent.
God gave us the tools that we need to make it, God willing. He provided prophets, messengers, and the rites of our religion. He gave us scriptures, including a clear, fully detailed Quran with a built-in mathematical miracle. He allows us the gift of repentance in a system with a stacked deck in our favor. Good deeds are multiplied. Sins are turned into credits. We have a direct hotline that is always available to us, day or night. We can implore God any time for anything. And we have the understanding to seek refuge in God from Satan.
Then there are all the signs and proofs embedded all around us. Such as: [16:79] Do they not see the birds committed to fly in the atmosphere of the sky? None holds them up in the air except GOD. This should be (sufficient) proof for people who believe.
[30:22] Among His proofs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors. In these, there are signs for the knowledgeable.
[41:53] We will show them our proofs in the horizons, and within themselves, until they realize that this is the truth. Is your Lord not sufficient, as a witness of all things?
And finally, in addition to all the signs and proofs, God gave us the hearing, the eyesight, and the brains. So we can see the miracles, hear the sounds all around us, and use our brain to appreciate all of God’s gifts.
[16:78] GOD brought you out of your mothers’ bellies knowing nothing, and He gave you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brains, that you may be appreciative.
When we see or witness God’s proofs are we appreciative? Or are we heedless? Remember, we only have this fleeting life to submit completely to God and develop our souls. Satan is always out to get us! He skulks on the straight path, and he would love to divert us. Do we remember to seek refuge in God?
Do we accept blindly? Do we verify information? Verifying information is good for our souls. Do we use our brains? [17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.
God didn’t leave us in the dark. We do not have to guess.
[16:9] GOD points out the paths, including the wrong ones. If He willed, He could have guided all of you.
[6:153] This is My path―a straight one. You shall follow it, and do not follow any other paths, lest they divert you from His path. These are His commandments to you, that you may be saved.
If we use our brains here – what makes the most sense? God’s straight path. Contrast that with the absurdity of idol worship! There are NO short cuts!
Consider all the things that can be possible distractions / idols, if we do not put God first.
· Family members, spouse, children, money.
· Internet, social media, conspiracy theories.
· Drama and conflict. Ego, having to be right.
Then consider what God has provided us to counteract these distractions. Our Contact Prayers:
[29:45] You shall recite what is revealed to you of the scripture, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), for the Contact Prayers prohibit evil and vice.
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