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Luke 1:37: For with God nothing shall be impossible.
God tells us that choosing God may be the difficult path:
[90:11-18] He should choose the difficult path. Which one is the difficult path? The freeing of slaves. Feeding, during the time of hardship. Orphans who are related. Or the poor who is in need. And being one of those who believe, and exhorting one another to be steadfast, and exhorting one another to be kind. These have deserved happiness.
God is like a compass and GPS. A compass that lets us know where we are. The GPS not only tells us where we are, but it actually lets us know the best route or path we should take to get to our destination. Have you ever used your GPS to go somewhere, and you decided to take an alternate route? Then you were lost, and the GPS recalculated the directions so that you could go back to the original path. Thank God for recalculating or redirecting paths we have taken in our lives!! How would it be if God never recalculated our path when we messed up? Studying, reading, meditating on the Word of God helps us to choose God’s path.
And what is the reward for choosing God? I feel these verses sum it up beautifully.
[76:11-26] Consequently, GOD protects them from the evils of that day, and rewards them with joy and contentment. He rewards them for their steadfastness with Paradise, and silk. They relax therein on luxurious furnishings. They suffer neither the heat of the sun, nor any cold. The shade covers them therein, and the fruits are brought within reach. They are served drinks in silver containers and cups that are translucent. Translucent cups, though made of silver; they rightly deserved all this. They enjoy drinks of delicious flavors. From a spring therein known as “Salsabeel.”
Serving them will be immortal servants. When you see them, they will look like scattered pearls. Wherever you look, you will see bliss, and a wonderful dominion. On them will be clothes of green velvet, satin, and silver ornaments. Their Lord will provide them with pure drinks. This is the reward that awaits you, for your efforts have been appreciated. We have revealed to you this Quran; a special revelation from us. You shall steadfastly carry out your Lord’s commandments, and do not obey any sinful disbeliever among them. And commemorate the name of your Lord day and night. During the night, fall prostrate before Him, and glorify Him many a long night.
[76:29-30] This is a reminder: whoever wills shall choose the path to his Lord. Whatever you will is in accordance with GOD’s will. GOD is Omniscient, Wise.
May God continue to guide us to choose Him first and always.
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[14:7] Your Lord has decreed: “The more you thank Me, the more I give you.” But if you turn unappreciative, then My retribution is severe.
We know that one of our most important duties is to be thankful to God for all His blessings. We feel that gratitude in our hearts; then we express our thanks in words; and finally we truly thank God by doing righteous works.
The word “Alhamdulillah” (praise be to God) is in Chapter 1, right after we say “In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.” This word expresses our gratitude to the One God. When asked how you are or how you’re doing, a Submitter will often reply, “Alhamdulillah.” We use it to express appreciation for waking up from sleep, eating or drinking anything, seeing a beautiful sunset. In this way, our entire life revolves around gratitude towards God.
In Chapter 55 of the Quran, titled Most Gracious, God asks the same question thirty-one times: “Which of your Lord’s marvels can you deny?” God created everything and we are blessed with so many provisions and delights. How can anyone do anything but express gratitude to God.
[2:152] You shall remember Me, that I may remember you, and be thankful to Me; do not be unappreciative.
Being grateful to God is not just saying Alhamdulillah. We have to mean it in our heart, show it in our actions, live it each day. When we do, God promises us in 14:7 that He will give us even more.
Gratitude makes us feel good, helps eliminate negative attitudes and bad thoughts. It has physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Yet, the Quran tells us many times that most people are unappreciative.
[7:10] We have established you on earth, and we have provided for you the means of support therein. Rarely are you appreciative.
[10:60] Does it ever occur to those who fabricate lies about GOD that they will have to face Him on the Day of Resurrection? Certainly, GOD showers the people with His grace, but most of them are unappreciative.
[17:67] If you are afflicted in the middle of the sea, you forget your idols and sincerely implore Him alone. But as soon as He saves you to the shore, you revert. Indeed, the human being is unappreciative.
[22:66] He is the One who granted you life, then He puts you to death, then He brings you back to life. Surely, the human being is unappreciative.
[27:73] Your Lord is full of grace towards the people, but most of them are unappreciative.
[43:15] They even assigned for Him a share from His own creation! Surely, the human being is profoundly unappreciative.
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