July 2024: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

Page 3


Cont'd from page 2

The sole mission of our life is to pass the test and make it to Paradise which God has promised us. For passing the test we need to make the right choice of living life. We give a lot of importance to this temporary life. We consider a lot of parameters while buying a house, while choosing a bride, while buying a car, while choosing a career etc. All these choices are short lived, because this life is no more than an illusion. God does not forbid us from choosing these things. But our prime focus should be to choose a righteous life here and prepare for eternal life.

All our deeds and minute actions are recorded. The results will be out only on the Day of Resurrection. Even though God has marked us all, we do not know our final destiny. We all know that to pass the test we must study hard or else we are bound to fail the test. Therefore, to clear the test of our final destiny we must study the scripture of God well and make the right choice to determine our eternal life. We have already failed the test by not upholding God’s side. Now this is the final chance God has given us to make it to Paradise. God has sent us on this earth equipped with guidance through His scriptures and messengers. But we were also given the free will to make the right choice to ensure the best results. For favorable outcome of the test, we need to prepare well, leaving no chance of failure.

[7:175] Recite for them the news of one who was given our proofs, but chose to disregard them. Consequently, the devil pursued him, until he became a strayer.

The righteous strive hard to defeat their greed, envy, and arrogance. They strive hard to avoid vain talks, abusive language and boasting. They take utmost care to show mercy and honor their parents.

These are the special qualities and behaviors that God encourages and appreciates from His servants. These qualities are not forced upon us but are expected from us.

[18:29] Proclaim: “This is the truth from your Lord,” then whoever wills let him believe, and whoever wills let him disbelieve. We have prepared for the transgressors a fire that will completely surround them. When they scream for help, they will be given a liquid like concentrated acid that scalds the faces. What a miserable drink! What a miserable destiny!

God does not declare us unbelievers or disbelievers without giving us many opportunities to repent and reform. Even though the clock is ticking, we get sufficient time to mend our ways in this third and final chance; the opportunity and freedom to think and decide for ourselves and plan our journey for the final abode. While striving in the path of God, we must take utmost care to be humble. Our communication, behavior and style while transmitting the Message should not reflect any kind of compulsion, aggression or pride. Simultaneously, we must also set the best example for others. God has given us free will; absolute freedom to think and act freely to plan our final journey to make it to Paradise. Let us not forget that this is the Divine Scheme. God does not force anything upon us or snatch this freedom from us at any moment of our life span. May God protect us and guide us to get closer to him. May He make it easier for us to pass this test.

[17:18] Anyone who chooses this fleeting life as his priority, we will rush to him what we decide to give him, then we commit him to Gehenna, where he suffers forever, despised and defeated.

[17:19] As for those who choose the Hereafter as their priority, and work righteousness, while believing, their efforts will be appreciated.

Abdul G


War, Peace, Freedom

We are thankful to God for the freedoms we have and that God has given us people who will serve to protect them. We humans like to be free. Whether it’s the basic desire to worship God alone, or to speak our minds, not to be oppressed or enslaved, or to choose to go for a walk when you want. The Declaration of Independence reflects these ideas when it talks about, “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. People want the right to live. Which allows you to have liberty or freedom. And which in turn allows you to make choices to “freely pursue what makes you happy”. Other countries have similar ideals, e.g., in France the motto is “Liberty, equality, fraternity.” Canada has a Charter of Rights & Freedoms, e.g., freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of association, freedom from unreasonable search/seizure and more.

Some of these are related to each other. Take Freedom of Religion: if you don’t have freedom of thought and expression, you don’t really have freedom of religion. Similarly, freedom to move and assemble also relates to religion, being able to come and pray Friday Prayer together or study Quran together.

Part of this innate desire for free-choice I think comes from the “free will” God has given us. Which is a great gift, but also a great responsibility. And the responsibility comes from making choices. If we are making choices, we are responsible for them. And our choices have consequences. And as an adult, we are responsible for the consequences.

Some of the choices we make are undoubtedly bad choices. The first bad choice we made goes all the way back to the Great Feud.

Cont'd on page 4