September 2022: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

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The Danger of Jealousy

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It causes people to break up into sects, something God strongly condemns (6:159, 30:32).

[42:14] Ironically, they broke up into sects only after the knowledge had come to them, due to jealousy and resentment among themselves. If it were not for a predetermined decision from your Lord to respite them for a definite interim, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, the later generations who inherited the scripture are full of doubts.  (also 45:17)

The Bible also strongly condemns jealousy. The tenth commandment says “do not covet.” When we covet something someone else has, we are saying that God, the best Provider, has not given us enough. We can certainly implore God for anything. But we must accept that the answer is sometimes “no.” And be content with that.

Supplication: A Form of Worship

[40:60] Your Lord says, “Implore Me, and I will respond to you. Surely, those who are too arrogant to worship Me will enter Gehenna, forcibly.”

*40:60 Supplication, imploring God for anything, even material luxuries, is a form of worship. Hence the commandment to implore God whenever we have any need. An atheist will never implore God for anything.

How do we get rid of jealous thoughts?

We can make a list of those times when we experience jealousy to help us identify what triggers the emotion. Think about whether this thing you’re jealous about would actually make you happier if you received it. God knows what’s best for us, and He always gives us what we need.

We can also inventory the blessings God has given us, the greatest being His guidance.

We can take time to appreciate the blessings. “Count your blessings, name them one by one.”

[16:18] If you count GOD’s blessings, you cannot possibly encompass them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

Know that Satan will work on us, using jealousy as a tool. Again, we need to seek refuge in God from all of Satan’s whispers.

The comfort is in knowing that God will take away this destructive emotion in the end.

[7:43] We will remove all jealousy from their hearts. Rivers will flow beneath them, and they will say, “GOD be praised for guiding us. We could not possibly be guided, if it were not that GOD has guided us. The messengers of our Lord did bring the truth.” They will be called: “This is your Paradise. You have inherited it, in return for your works.”


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There’s a saying: “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” Jesus said it even better in the New Testament. The people wanted to stone to death a woman who was accused of adultery. Jesus told them: “Let the man among you who has no sin be the first to cast a stone at her.” [John 8:7]

Is there anyone without sin? The Quran seems to indicate no. [35:45] If GOD punished the people for their sins, He would not leave a single creature on earth. But He respites them for a predetermined interim. Once their interim is fulfilled, then GOD is Seer of His servants.

Not one of us can claim to be sinless, even if we live a most pure life here. The very fact that we are here as humans clearly shows that we have sinned. We failed to uphold God’s absolute authority when Satan challenged God’s Omnipotence. To a greater or lesser degree, every one of us humans showed idolatrous inclinations. And we know there’s no greater sin than idol worship.


This is not to say we cannot remind. A reminder with kindness and love can benefit another, but harshness will likely repel. The embrace of wisdom and kind enlightenment is very different from the stones of criticism and ridicule. So, why do we criticize and ridicule others? Perhaps we think it will deflect criticism from ourselves. It’s always easier to blame someone else than to accept the blame yourself. It’s always easier to see faults in others than to examine our own shortcomings. But this is exactly what we need to do—examine ourselves (59:18).

[34:50] Say, “If I go astray, I go astray because of my own shortcomings. And if I am guided, it is because of my Lord’s inspiration. He is Hearer, Near.”

God does not wish for us to go astray. [39:7] If you disbelieve, GOD does not need anyone. But He dislikes to see His servants make the wrong decision. If you decide to be appreciative, He is pleased for you. No soul bears the sins of any other soul. Ultimately, to your Lord is your return, then He will inform you of everything you had done. He is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.

God has stacked the deck in our favor that we may make it to Paradise. For each sin we commit we are penalized only once. But for each good deed or righteous act, we are rewarded manifold.

[6:160] Whoever does a righteous work receives the reward for ten, and the one who commits a sin is requited for only one. No one suffers the slightest injustice.

[2:261] The example of those who spend their monies in the cause of GOD is that of a grain that produces seven spikes, with a hundred grains in each spike. GOD multiplies this manifold for whomever He wills. GOD is Bounteous, Knower.

This system of God’s is so incredible. We don’t deserve this much mercy, but it’s His promise to us and He never breaks His promise. We rebelled against His absolute

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