May 2022: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Shawwal 1443

Volume 38 No 5

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Submitters Perspective

Monthly Bulletin of the International Community of Submitters Published by Masjid Tucson

Tests and Submitting to God 

 Tests are part of our life on this earth. And we must work hard to pass our tests. Each day we may face a test of some kind. Some tests we may be aware of, while some, by God’s grace we may pass without realising or calling them tests. For example, when we gather for Jumu’ah, we arrive by different means of transportation, car, bus or train. Each one of us reached the Masjid by passing a certain test in travelling. But we did what we need to without thinking of it as a test. We realise only those tests which involve our mind, physical strength, time and money. All these factors are also involved in reaching the Masjid for Jumu’ah, so why did we not feel the impact of the test? The reason is a positive mindset, our love for pleasing God, our pure dedication to reach here on time. May God accept this small effort from us.

A test becomes difficult if you are not mentally prepared for it, or if you see it negatively, for example you are worried that failing it would land you in a huge loss. We know God’s tests are never unreasonable (4:66). Negative thinking during a test will only make it more difficult for us. By God’s grace,

 we reached Jumu’ah without realising the test we face because we want to do it. We love God and therefore we are ready to deal with the traffic, crowds, public transport, or the cost of transportation or fuel. We were more interested in reaching the Masjid on time to fulfill 62:9 than anything else. We fast or give charity or strive, because we see it as a good thing, not a hardship. It is a gift from God. Do you see the difference in approach? Hence, to face any test we should seek to have the right mental approach. 

Important Commandments to All Believers 

[62:9] O you who believe, when the Congregational Prayer (Salat Al-Jumu’ah) is announced on Friday, you shall hasten to the commemoration of GOD, and drop all business. This is better for you, if you only knew. 

If we are going through a test, there is a good reason. Think of life as a polishing process. Our impurities need to be worked on so that we may stand as a gem standing before God on the Day of Judgment. The tests are designed to prove that we worship God alone under all circumstances. God’s testing

 is varied, and designed for that person. It may be light or hard, may involve blessings or reduction in provision. There may be different conditions like, fear, hunger, loss of money, lives or provisions (2:155). It may involve a job, an examination, a spouse, children, losing a friend, etc. (9:24). These are just a few examples. God also tests us by blessing us abundantly (27:40, 89:15). Some of you will be tested by wealth, good health, good family, good friends, good job, etc. 

[2:155] We will surely test you through some fear, hunger, and loss of money, lives, and crops. Give good news to the steadfast. [2:156] When an affliction befalls them, they say, “We belong to GOD, and to Him we are returning.” [2:157] These have deserved blessings from their Lord and mercy. These are the guided ones. 

*2:155 The test is designed to prove that we worship God alone under all circumstances. 

It is a human tendency to get carried away in all the extreme conditions. We might get involved in unacceptable activities due to frustration. Then what do we need to do? One way to avoid

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