March 2020: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Rajab 1441

Volume 36 No 3

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Submitters Perspective

Monthly Bulletin of the International Community of Submitters Published by Masjid Tucson

Human Traits—Know Yourself

It is important to learn about our traits as detailed by our Creator. Understanding our human nature and flaws would help us to recognize our mistakes and improve our own qualities. Believers work to suppress the negative traits as defined by God. God thus perfects their light, strengthens their foothold, fixes their works, and diverts them away from evil and aggression.

[50:16] We created the human, and we know what he whispers to himself. We are closer to him than his jugular vein.

[12:53] “I do not claim innocence for myself. The self is an advocate of vice, except for those who have attained mercy from my Lord. My Lord is Forgiver, Most Merciful.”

[12:24] ....We thus diverted evil and sin away from him, for he was one of our devoted servants.

[19:76] God augments the guidance of those who choose to be guided. For the good deeds are eternally rewarded by your Lord, and bring far better returns.

[47:7] O you who believe, if you support God,

He will support you, and strengthen your foothold.

God has granted us the best physical design (95:4), the hearing, the eyesight and the brain (16:78). However, studying our cognitive, intellectual and emotional human capacities leaves no doubt that we are far from perfect. In fact, the striving to please God alone is never an easy undertaking because of our limited and flawed human nature. The outcome of every battle with Satan is either we allow him to remove our garment of righteousness by exposing one or more of our weaknesses or we aggressively resist his intrusion and strive to polish our righteous qualities and beautify our garment (7:26-27).

Human hesitance is a clear manifestation of the weak human nature (4:28). From the very beginning, we hesitated and failed to make a crucial decision! That was once demonstrated in the High Society when we questioned God’s absolute authority under the deception of the rebellious, arrogant and unappreciative Satan. Even though we bore witness that God is the only Lord and Master (7:172), we wavered. We were sent down to earth by the Most Merciful for a final chance.

Most people on earth doubt God’s existence despite the instinct of knowing Him (30:30).

Humans Fail to Make a Firm Stand
[20:115] We tested Adam in the past, but he forgot, and we found him indecisive.
*20:115 When Satan challenged God’s absolute authority (38:69), you and I did not make a firm stand against Satan. God is giving us a chance, on this earth, to redeem ourselves by denouncing Satan and upholding God’s absolute authority (Appendix 7).

[6:2] He is the One who created you from mud, then predetermined your life span, a life span that is known only to Him. Yet, you continue to doubt.

Poorly handling adversity is another manifestation of our human weakness. Most humans despair and turn unappreciative and rebellious in the face of hardship:

[4:28] God wishes to lighten your burden, for the human being is created weak.

[17:83] When we bless the human being, he becomes preoccupied and heedless. But when adversity strikes him, he turns despondent.

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