January 2018: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

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Live Your Life According To Quran

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cause of GOD against those who attack you, but do not aggress. GOD does not love the aggressors. [2:193] You may also fight them to eliminate oppression, and to worship GOD freely. If they refrain, you shall not aggress; aggression is permitted only against the aggressors. [42:42] The wrong ones are those who treat the people unjustly, and resort to aggression without provocation. These have incurred a painful retribution.

Control anger [3:134] who give to charity during the good times, as well as the bad times. They are suppressors of anger, and pardoners of the people. GOD loves the charitable.

Avoid evil plotting [35:43] They resorted to arrogance on earth, and evil scheming, and the evil schemes only backfire on those who scheme them. Should they then expect anything but the fate of those who did the same things in the past? You will find that GOD’s system is never changeable; you will find that GOD’s system is immutable.

Do Not Take God’s Name in Vain [2:224] Do not subject GOD’s name to your casual swearing, that you may appear righteous, pious, or to attain credibility among the people. GOD is Hearer, Knower.

Do not divide [6:159] Those who divide themselves into sects do not belong with you. Their judgment rests with GOD, then He will inform them of everything they had done.

Live in a righteous manner that you may die in a righteous manner [3:102] O you who believe, you shall observe GOD as He should be observed, and do not die except as Submitters.  [3:193] “Our Lord, we have heard a caller calling to faith and proclaiming: ‘You shall believe in your Lord,’ and we have believed. Our Lord, forgive us our transgressions, remit our sins, and let us die as righteous believers.



[39:11] Say, "I have been commanded to worship GOD, devoting the religion absolutely to Him alone.

Abraham’s Prayers

[60:4] A good example has been set for you by Abraham….

We know that Abraham was a very righteous man, who, even in his youth, stood up strongly and fearlessly for God. We are told he never was an idol worshiper (2:135, 3:67, 3:95, 6:161, 16:123) and God called him a beloved friend (4:125). All of the practices of Submission came to us from God through Abraham (16:123, 21:73, 22:78). And Abraham himself prayed that he might serve as a good example for those who came after him. [26:84] “Let the example I set for the future generations be a good one.”

[16:120-2] Abraham was indeed an exemplary vanguard in his submission to GOD, a monotheist who never worshiped idols. Because he was appreciative of His Lord’s blessings, He chose him and guided him in a straight path. We granted him happiness in this life, and in the Hereafter he will be with the righteous.

Since God says that Abraham was “an exemplary vanguard,”  it seems fitting to look at some of Abraham’s prayers that have come to us in the Quran. They are good words to remember, good things for each of us to pray for today.

In Sura 26 we find one of the times Abraham debates with his people. These are lovely verses for us to remember:

[26:77] “… I am devoted only to the Lord of the universe.

[26:78] “The One who created me, and guided me.

[26:79] “The One who feeds me and waters me.

[26:80] “And when I get sick, He heals me.

[26:81] “The One who puts me to death, then brings me back to life.

[26:82] “The One who hopefully will forgive my sins on the Day of Judgment.

[26:83] “My Lord, grant me wisdom, and include me with the righteous.

[26:84] “Let the example I set for the future generations be a good one.

[26:85] “Make me one of the inheritors of the blissful Paradise.

Abraham’s various prayers at the Kaaba are important for us. They contain good words we can use in our lives. We very much want to live in a peaceful land, and only God is the Protector; we want good provisions, and only God is the Provider; we want God to accept our prayers and righteous actions, and only God is the Hearer; we want to be forgiven for our sins, and only God is the Forgiver.

[2:126] Abraham prayed: “My Lord, make this a peaceful land, and provide its people with fruits. Provide for those who believe in GOD and the Last Day.” (God) said, “I will also provide for those who disbelieve. I will let them enjoy, temporarily, then commit them to the retribution of Hell, and a miserable destiny.”

[2:127] As Abraham raised the foundations of the shrine, together with Ismail (they prayed): “Our Lord, accept this from us. You are the Hearer, the Omniscient.

[14:35] Recall that Abraham said, “My Lord, make this a peaceful land, and protect me and my children from worshiping idols. [14:36] “My Lord, they have misled so many people. As for those who follow me, they belong with me. As for those who disobey me, You are Forgiver, Most Merciful. [14:37] “Our Lord, I have settled part of my family in this plantless valley, at Your Sacred House. Our Lord, they are to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), so let throngs of people converge upon them, and provide for them all kinds of fruits, that they may be appreciative. [14:38] “Our Lord, You know whatever we conceal and whatever we declare― nothing is hidden from GOD on earth, nor in the heavens. [14:39] “Praise be to GOD for granting me, despite my old age, Ismail and Isaac. My Lord answers the prayers. [14:40] “My Lord, make me one who consistently observes the Contact Prayers (Salat), and also my children. Our Lord, please answer my prayers.

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