October 2016: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Muharram 1438

Volume 32 No 10

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Submitters Perspective

Monthly Bulletin of the International Community of Submitters Published by Masjid Tucson

The Quran

The world has seen many beliefs and doctrines since the dawn of time.  Some of these were of Divine origin being revealed by God to His prophets and messengers through His scriptures. Submission is the  religion  whereby  we  recognize God’s absolute authority, and reach an unshakable conviction that God alone possesses all power; no other entity possesses any power that is independent of Him.

Submission began with Abraham, then spread far and wide through the prophets of God and others who carried God’s message. The Quran was revealed in Arabic and we believe it to be the direct word of God; it is mathematically proven to be. No other religious scripture is currently intact preserving its pristine form and text. Revelation, though piecemeal, has been set down, arranged and compiled accurately, indicating an Almighty intention. No other scripture on hand today conclusively claims direct divine authorship nor can it keep various nationalities and creeds knit together for countless years.

[5:3] … Today, I have completed your religion, perfected My blessing upon you, and I have decreed Submission as the religion for you. …. [24:54] Say, “Obey GOD, and obey the messenger.”

If they refuse, then he is responsible for his obligations, and you are responsible for your obligations. If you obey him, you will be guided. The sole duty of the messenger is to deliver (the message).

Adam and Eve were sent down to earth and given knowledge by God. [2:37] Then, Adam received from his Lord words, whereby He redeemed him. He is the Redeemer, Most Merciful. They were not living in darkness and ignorance. They had firm faith and pure unalloyed monotheism and belief in the Hereafter. All prophets and messengers brought one and the same message. Due to the prevailing conditions and lack of modern mass communication, the message could only be given to a particular set of people at a given time.

In contrast the Quran is for all times and all peoples. Even though a Quranic verse may refer to a certain event, its intention and lessons are everlasting.

What is distinctive in Submission is its universality—not just for a particular area or populace. [21:107] We have sent you out of mercy from us towards the whole world.


[34:28] We have sent you (O Rashad) to all the people, a bearer of good news, as well as a warner, but most people do not know.

The Quran refutes atheism and polytheism. It preaches pure monotheism. Current versions of religions have lost that pure focus on God alone. Traditional Muslims take the name of Muhammad in their proclamation of faith and mention him in prayers. Christians, while claiming to be monotheists, believe Jesus to be a Son of God (or as a third of a Trinity). They say they do so in a metaphorical sense in the similar style as liberal Hindus say they do not really worship idols but observe them merely as objects in lieu of godly aspects to facilitate focus and contemplation in their veneration. However, God in the Quran clearly defines Himself as: [40:3] Forgiver of sins, acceptor of repentance, strict in enforcing retribution, and possessor of all power. There is no other god beside Him. To Him is the ultimate destiny. So it sets right the false belief that sins will go without punishment because of faith in Christ as the Lord or in Muhammad as an intercessor.  It also discards the misplaced certainty of some Jews that as God’s chosen people they are immune from eternal punishment in the Hereafter even if they commit

Cont’d on page 2

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