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while YOU DO NOT SEE THEM. We appoint the devils
as companions of those who do not believe. [7:27]
Satan meets and even exceeds the qualifications of a hypnotist
because he knows when and how to make his suggestions, according
to a person's mind, character, desires and habits. He has considerable
knowledge of human nature, and he has thoroughly succeeded in rendering
millions of humans unable to use their minds.
(Satan said,) “I will come to them from before
them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their
left, and You will find most of them unappreciative.” [7:17]
People who are unappreciative of God are hypnotized by Satan without
their knowledge. Countless millions of people say, “I believe
in God,” when in fact their hearts do not mean it. Their utterance
is no more than lip service to go along with parents, friends, or
the society at large. Whenever they have opportunities to break
away from deception and doubt, they cling to fabricated falsehoods.
This leaves them susceptible to Satan's hypnosis. For the Master
Hypnotist is given access to the person's true intentions and innermost
beliefs, not outward appearances and lip-service utterances. By
going against their God-given instinct to worship God alone and
uphold His word alone, people enable the Master Hypnotist to set
them up for self-destruction behind an invisible barrier.
Recall that your Lord summoned all the descendants
of Adam, and had them bear witness for themselves: “Am I not
your Lord?” They all said, “Yes. We bear witness.”
Thus, you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection, “We were
not aware of this.” [7:172]
Some followers of the scripture wish to lead you
astray, but they only lead themselves astray, without perceiving.
They repel others from
this (Quran), as they themselves stay away from it, and thus, they
only destroy themselves without perceiving. [6:26]
As for those who reject our revelations, we lead
them on without them ever realizing it. I will even encourage them;
My scheming is formidable. [7:182-183]
Satan gradually instills his suggestions into the minds of his
subjects; ideas counter to the worship God alone. Satan hypnotizes
his subjects into doing anything that reflects disbelief, idol-worship,
or hypocrisy.
They are like the devil: he says to the human being,
“Disbelieve,” then as soon as he disbelieves, he says,
“I disown you. I fear God, Lord of the universe.” [59:16]
A trained hypnotist slowly infuses his directives into the subject's
mind because this “drop by drop” approach helps the
subject understand the instructions. But, in Satan's case, it is
a matter of making a person feel at home with negative prompts.
God protects His sincere servants from the Master Hypnotist's obvious
and subtle attempts to hypnotize them.
Say, “My Lord, I seek refuge in You from the
whispers of the devils. And I seek refuge in You, my Lord, lest
they come near me.” [23:97 98]
And the devil will say, after the judgment had been
issued, “God has promised you the truthful promise, and I
promised you, but I broke my promise. I had no power over you; I
simply invited you, and you accepted my invitation. Therefore, do
not blame me, and blame only yourselves. My complaining cannot help
you, nor can your complaining help me. I have disbelieved in your
idolizing me. The transgressors have incurred a painful retribution.”
When you read the Quran, you shall seek refuge in
God from Satan the
rejected. He has no power
over those who believe and trust in their Lord. His power is limited
to those who choose him as their master, those who choose him as
their god. [16:98-100]
(O Satan,) “You have no power over My servants.
You only have power over the strayers who follow you.” [15:42]
“You may entice them with your voice, and mobilize
all your forces and all your men against them, and share in their
money and children, and promise them. Anything the devil promises
is no more than an illusion. As for My servants, you have no power
over them.” Your Lord suffices as an advocate. [17:64-65]
Dr. Douglass Brown
[Eds. note: God willing, we will publish in the
next issue, Part II of this article: Characteristics of the Master
Hypno-tist's Subjects.]
Mark Your Calendar
1996 Conference
August 9-11, 1996
Houston, Texas
God willing, we are planning to hold this year’s United Submitters
International Conference in Houston, Texas. The dates of this conference
are set for August 9-11, 1996.
God willing also that He will make it easy for Submitters to attend
the conference, and that He will provide us the time and means for
getting together and striving in His cause.
Please mark your calendar and start making your plans to attend
the conference. Remember that this is a great opportunity to be
with the Submitters from all around the world.
Look for more details in the coming issues of the Submitters Perspective.