
God has sent His messenger with the guidance and the true religion, and He will make it dominate all other religions, in spite of the idol worshipers. |
Appendix 2 of the new translation, QURAN: THE FINAL TESTAMENT, presents overwhelming proof that Rashad Khalifa is God's Messenger of the Covenant. Additional evidence has been discovered since the printing of the translation. In this article, we witness powerful Quranic mathematical evidence that the verse shown above refers to Rashad Khalifa.
This verse occurs in the Quran twice: 9:33 and 61:9.
Evidence No. 1
If we write down the gematrical value of "Rashad" (505), followed by the value of Khalifa" (725), followed by the sura and verse numbers where this verse is found (9:33, 61:9), we get:
505 725 9 33 61 9
This number is a multiple of 19.
Evidence No. 2
The number of verses from the first occurrence of this Verse (9:33) to the last occurrence (61:9) is 3902. If we add this number to the sura and verse numbers where this statement occurs, then add the gematrical value of "Rashad Khalifa," we get 3902 + 9 + 33 + 61 + 9 + 1230=5244, a multiple of 19 (5244 =19x276).
Evidence No. 3
The gematrical value of any statement pins down
the identity of every single letter in that statement. The gematrical value of the two verses 9:33 and 61:9 is 7858. If we add this value to the number of letters that make up this value (120), plus the number of verses from 9:33 to 61:9 (3902), pIus the gematrical value of "Rashad Khalifa" (1230), we get:
7858 + 120 + 3902 + 1230 = 13110 = 19x690.
Allahu Akbar. |
Sa'eed Talari's Great Discovery: Confirms the 5 Daily Prayers, Numbers of Bowing (Ruku'), Prostrations (Sujood), and Tashahhud
One of the common challenges that the Mohamedans consistently bring up against God is: "If the Quran is complete and detailed (as claimed in 6:19, 38, & 114), where are the details of the Contact Prayers (Salat)? These people ask this question because they are not aware that the Quran informs
us that the Contact Prayers came from Abraham (21:73 & 22:78). In the last few issues of the Perspective, a number of proofs have been published which confirm all 5 prayers - the sequence, number of units/prayer, what to say (Sura 1), and so on.
Now, Saeed Talari has discovered the mathematical confirmation of the minute details of the 5 Contact Prayers.
He wrote down the numbers of the prayers with their bowings, prostrations, and Tashahhuds. Here is what Saeed did: |
This long number consists of the sura that we recite in the 5 prayers (1), followed by the number of the first prayer (1), then the number of "Keys" that we recite in this prayer (2), then the number of bowings (Ruku') (2), then the number of prostrations (4), then the number of Tashahhuds (in the sitting position) (1), then the number of the second prayer (2), then the number of "Keys" that we recite in the second prayer (4), then the number of bowings (Ruku') in this prayer (4), then the number of prostrations (8), then the number of Tashahhuds (2), then the number of the third prayer (3), and so on to the last prayer. This long number is a multiple of 19, and this confirms the minutest details of the prayers, even the numbers of Ruku', Sujud, & Tashahhud. |