God-inspired translations vs. Satan-inspired translations
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not meet the requirements of the Qur’anic criterion in 39:45, he decided to set the Qur’an straight by substituting “the one and only,” between commas, for the word “ALONE.”
To say, “the one and only” is the same as saying “the almighty” or “the generous” or “the most gracious.” The whole doctrine, the most important doctrine in Islam, is utterly destroyed when the word “ALONE” is changed into “the one and only.” What Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s translation says in effect is that: “When God is mentioned, the hearts of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter are filled with disgust and horror.” This is a most serious alteration of the Qur’an’s basic doctrine. Of course, Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s heart was not filled with disgust and horror when God was mentioned (so long as Muhammad was mentioned along with God).
To complete the blasphemy, and to make sure that the criterion was tailored to fit him nicely, he added the word “gods” in parentheses when talking about those “other than God.” This limits the class of entities to be mentioned besides God (after all, Muhammad is not a god). A photocopy of the Satan-inspired blasphemy is shown below.
45. When God, the One and Only,
Is mentioned, the hearts
Of those who believe not
In the Hereafter are filled
With disgust and horror;
But when (gods) other than He
Are mentioned, behold, they are filled with joy!
Another important criterion to test our belief in the Hereafter is described in Verses 45 and 46 of Sura 17, and, again, the traditional Muslim translators utterly destroy the criterion and force their own Satan-inspired version. The criterion described in 17:45-46 tells us: those who believe in the Hereafter uphold Qur’an ALONE as their ONLY source of religious guidance. Verse 46 ends by informing us that those who disbelieve in the Hereafter will turn away in aversion when God is commemorated using the “Qur’an alone.” The word “ALONE” (WAHDAHU ( ARABIC WORD) ) is strategically placed immediately following the word “Qur’an.” Yet, Abdullah Yusuf Ali (and also Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall’s translation, as well as all other English translations, with the single exception of my translation) moved the word “ALONE” back to make it refer to God, instead of Qur’an. This doctrinal distortion effectively destroys one of the major doctrines of Islam: that we shall uphold Qur’an ALONE as our ONLY source of religious guidance. Muslims fell into this Satanic trap by the millions, and are now suffering the consequences. The distortion is plainly obvious to anyone who sincerely [without any desire to force his or her traditions] examines 17:45-46.
I remember an incident in Vancouver, British Columbia, where a gentleman told me that I am ignorant of the Arabic grammar, because the word “ALONE” (WAHDAHU) in 17:46 refers to God, not the Qur’an, due to “a unique twist of the Arabic grammar.” For the sake of peace, I agreed with him that I am ignorant, but the Almighty God knows Arabic grammar, and He has put in Qur’an an identical expression in 60:4, |
where the word “ALONE” refers to word immediately preceding it.
The usage of the same expression in 60:4 proves that the word “ALONE” in 17:46 refers to Qur’an.
If the word “ALONE” in 17:46 were placed immediately after the word “RABBAKA” (Your Lord), it would have been perfectly correct. But then, it would convey a totally different meaning and a totally different criterion. As it is, the crucial word “ALONE” appears immediately after the word “Qur’an,” because this is what our Creator wishes to tell us.
Once again, we see the translators of Qur’an altering the word of God to fit their own traditions and beliefs. This also reflects their disbelief in the Hereafter, and their role in misleading millions of unsuspecting Muslims.
Their Satan-inspired translations reflect disbelief in the Hereafter. Photocopies of Ali’s and Pickthall’s translations are shown below.
Ali’s --> 46. And We put coverings
Over their hearts (and minds)
Lest they should understand
The Qur’an, and deafness into their ears: when thou
Dost commemorate thy Lord –
And Him alone – in the Quran,
They turn on their backs,
Fleeing (from the Truth).
Pickthall’s --> 46. And we place upon their hearts veils lest they should understand it , and in their ears a deafness; and when thou makest mention of thy Lord alone in the Qur’an, they turn their backs in aversion.
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