July 2020: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

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All I can do is resort to a quiet patience. May GOD help me in the face of your conspiracy.” He was ultimately blessed with reunion of his son. 37:102-107 speaks of the trial of Abraham and Ismail both of whom stood firm in submission to God. God regarded it as “an exacting test indeed”.

God commands the quality of patience which these servants of His exhibited. God also expects all believers to refrain from acting in anger. They are to take action only after full consideration and thought. A powerful person is not necessarily the one who flattens his opponent in a bout but the one who is able to control his anger.
There are at least three kinds of patience mentioned in the Quran: 1) patience in the discharge of compulsory injunctions which cover the prescribed do’s; 2) patience over unlawful things which cover the prescribed don’ts and 3) patience in the face of adversity. This may carry even greater rewards than the other two because of its nature and nerve-wracking effects.

Similarly, there are at least three types of examples of patience. Firstly, those who not only withstand afflictions stoically but also joyfully. They do good even when faced with trials and tribulations. This is the example of prophets, messengers, saints and the upright. They happily accept whatever God wills and find reasons to be appreciative and joyful. Such people attain tranquility of soul and become eligible for God’s pleasure in the Hereafter. [89:27-8] As for you, O content soul. Return to your Lord, pleased and pleasing. [3:172] For those who respond to GOD and the messenger, despite the persecution they suffer, and maintain their good works, and lead a righteous life, a great reward. [23:95-6] To show you (the retribution) we have reserved for them is something we can easily do. Therefore, counter their evil works with goodness; we are fully aware of their claims.

[13:22-4] They steadfastly persevere in seeking their Lord, observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), spend from our provisions to them secretly and publicly, and counter evil with good. These have deserved the best abode. They enter the gardens of Eden, together with the righteous among their parents, their spouses, and their children. The angels will enter to them from every door. “Peace be upon you, because you steadfastly persevered. What a joyous destiny.”

In the second category are pious people who are patient over things and events which are out of their control such as death or sickness of a loved one, loss of property, injury, disease, etc. If confronted with such circumstances, they discharge their devotional obligations fully. They too will get their due reward from God. [2:155-6] We will surely test you through some fear, hunger, and loss of money, lives, and crops. Give good news to the steadfast. When an affliction befalls them, they say, “We belong to GOD, and to Him we are returning.” [22:35] They are the ones whose hearts tremble upon mentioning GOD, they steadfastly persevere during adversity, they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and from our provisions to them, they give to charity.

A third category are those who maintain their poise in calamities and choose patience over anger. Even this conduct is desirable for one who has the power to take revenge but who refrains from doing so for God’s sake. [16:126] And if you punish, you shall inflict an equivalent punishment. But if you resort to patience (instead of revenge), it would be better for the patient ones.

We need to exercise patience at every step of our life seeking to please God– in want, affliction, loss of life and property, ill health, defeat in legitimate efforts and in fact, for checking every ignoble impulse in the heart.

[16:127] You shall resort to patience―and your patience is attainable only with GOD’s help. Do not grieve over them, and do not be annoyed by their schemes.

[42:43] Resorting to patience and forgiveness reflects a true strength of character.


Surviving The Pandemic: With Pain, There is Gain

We all go through painful and unfortunate events in our lives. Sometimes it pushes us down to the point that we feel like there is no way for us to become better. This is when many of us turn to God for help. God will always pick us up and put us back on our feet; that is something we have to be appreciative of. Tests from God can show us how appreciative we are towards our Creator. He will test us over and over, from right to left, up and down, again and again until we prove we can worship God alone under all circumstances. That’s why there are both ups and downs in life. As believers, we have to keep in mind that these ups and downs are from God. Whether you got a job or you lost a job, did great in your examination or badly in your examination, whether something great happened or you lost your way in life with no direction to go, God promises us happiness if we believe in Him and submit to Him alone because these worldly pleasures are only temporary.

[42:36] Whatever you are given is no more than temporary material of this life. What GOD possesses is far better and everlasting, for those who believe and trust in their Lord.

[3:14] Adorned for the people are the worldly pleasures, such as the women, having children, piles upon piles of gold and silver, trained horses, livestock, and crops.

These are the materials of this world. A far better abode is reserved at GOD.

[8:28] You should know that your money and your children are a test, and that GOD possesses a great recompense.

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