February 2019: Page 1, 2, 3

Jumada II 1440

Volume 35 No 2

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Submitters Perspective

Monthly Bulletin of the International Community of Submitters Published by Masjid Tucson

Be Appreciative

[39:66] Therefore, you shall worship GOD alone, and be appreciative.

God tells us in so many places in the Quran and in many different ways that we need to be appreciative.  We need to appreciate the bounties He has placed on earth, like the seas and the ships roaming them (16:14, 35:12, 30:46, 31:31), all the foods He provided for us (16:114, 22:36-7, 6:142, 8:26), the night and the day (28:73), the livestock to ride and carry our burdens (43:13), the blessing of rain and how it revives a dead land (30:50), and so many more blessings than we can ever count.

[14:34] And He gives you all kinds of things that you implore Him for. If you count GOD’s blessings, you can never encompass them. Indeed, the human being is transgressing, unappreciative.

[16:18] If you count GOD’s blessings, you cannot possibly encompass them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

We know how important it is to remember God every chance we get. Seeing a beautiful sunset is an opportunity to be appreciative. Holding a small child and seeing her smile should bring feelings of deep appreciation

for God who created this new life. Everything around us is from God and we want to always show our appreciation for all His creations.

We know that being appreciative helps put us on the path to being a believer, while being unappreciative is the same as being a disbeliever. We have examples of messengers in the Quran who recognized the importance of always appreciating God, striving for the Hereafter, and not being caught up in the glitz and glamor of this world.

Solomon: [27:40] … he said, “This is a blessing from my Lord, whereby He tests me, to show whether I am appreciative or unappreciative. Whoever is appreciative is appreciative for his own good, and if one turns unappreciative, then my Lord is in no need for him, Most Honorable.”

Ramadan 2019
Ramadan starts May 5th and the
last day of fasting will be June 3rd for USA  and Canada, God willing.

For more details (including dates for other places), please visit: https://masjidtucson.org/Ramadan/


Luqman: [31:12] We have endowed Luqmãn with wisdom: “You shall be appreciative of GOD.” Whoever is appreciative is appreciative for his own good. As for those who turn unappreciative, GOD is in no need, Praiseworthy.

Lot: [54:35] We blessed him and his family; we thus reward the appreciative.

Abraham: [16:121] Because he was appreciative of His Lord’s blessings, He chose him and guided him in a straight path.

God gives us so many chances to be appreciative in all the examples, lessons and allegories He provides both in the Quran and in the world around us. [29:41] The allegory of those who accept other masters beside GOD is that of the spider and her home; the flimsiest of all homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew. [29:43] We cite these examples for the people, and none appreciate them except the knowledgeable.

[2:26] GOD does not shy away from citing any kind of allegory, from the tiny mosquito and greater. As for those who believe, they know that it is the truth from their Lord.

Cont'd on page 2

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