July 2021: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

Page 2

The Science of Belief

Cont'd from page 1

 Well, that’s probably not true. 

If one has a disease there are only two reasons why. Either the proteins are bad or the signal that controls the behavior of the protein is bad. 95% of the population are born with good genes. Only 5% have what people consider a “birth defect”. If one is a healthy person with good genes and becomes unhealthy then the signal (which is what causes proteins to behave, move or not move) is being affected. There are only three things that can affect the signal. Trauma, toxins (which can affect the chemistry of the body thereby affecting the signals to the proteins), and the mind—there is nothing wrong with the body but the mind is sending either the wrong signal or at the wrong time. 

There was a study done by the journal Nature and to paraphrase the conclusion: What are the forces that control the behavior of molecules/proteins into complex shapes? Don’t look for the answer in your organic chemistry textbook. Modern medicine is based on organic chemistry. But the answers to how life works are not in the medical textbooks because they are based on organic chemistry. 

These signals which affect the behavior of our proteins which run our body come in first contact with our cell walls. They are called receptors. The function of the receptor is to be aware of its environment and receive a signal. Like our senses: eyes, ears, nose, touch. When a receptor receives a signal it creates a physical sensation in the cell causing the cell to change its behavior. So the definition of the switch is awareness of the environment through a physical sensation. And that is one of the definitions of the word ‘perception’ So, the name of the switch that controls your biology is ‘perception’. 

So how you view the world controls our biology.  Perception controls behavior. The signal, the switch, controls the protein which controls the behavior. And your genes which contain your DNA do not turn on or off, they are simply a blueprint. They get read. For 50 years genetic research of chromosomes, which are about 50% DNA and 50% protein, only focused on the DNA. They didn’t study the proteins. That’s a lot of information to ignore. What they found in studying the proteins is that the DNA strands are surrounded by protein sleeves. The protein sleeves get detached and reattached to read the DNA strand and reproduce it in the form of RNA. This is a vital process in the functioning of your body. What controls the proteins? The signal. What controls the signal? Perception. You control the genes, the genes do not control you. This new science is called epigenetics. Epi meaning ‘above’ the gene. So, you are not the victim of your genes because through epigenetics you can change your genes. So, if you change your perception, you change the reading of your genes. If some doctor tells you you’re going to have a disease and you believe that, then you can create the disease. 

Some conclusions here: 1. Perception controls Behavior (of proteins/biology) 2. Perception controls genes, 3. Perception can rewrite genes. So, Perception controls life. No two people perceive life in the same way; they have different perceptions. Something very important to keep in mind is that you can learn perceptions, and some perceptions can be right and some perceptions can be wrong. Since perceptions control biology, and since they can be right or wrong, it is more accurate to say that belief controls biology. What you believe creates your life. On the inside and on the outside. 

We’ve all heard of the placebo effect. Statistics show that one-third of all medical healings including surgery are the result of the placebo effect. So the belief that you are going to be made well by some kind of medical intervention, that belief or ‘positive thinking’ can be enough to heal you. What about negative thinking, or the nocebo effect?

The power of negative thinking can also make you sick and even eventually kill you. 

I started this discussion by stating we are made up of cells. 50 trillion cells. Each cell has about 0.07 volts of electricity. Which is very low. Multiply that by 50 trillion and you get 3.5 trillion volts of electricity in your body. Now, this is potential electricity. If one could harness this potential through say meditation and belief in God, are not the possibilities (by God’s leave) profound? One could also misuse this potential. Have you heard of spontaneous combustion? 

Here’s a metaphor. Take an orange. What happens if I squeeze the orange? What comes out? Orange juice. Why? Because that’s what’s inside. That’s the way God made it. Now if someone squeezes you, not in a good way, they say something you don’t approve of, behave in a way towards you that you find offensive, or say something about you that is hurtful, and out of you comes anger, hatred, bitterness, tension, fear, stress, anxiety. You might say that the reason those feelings came out is because of what they said or the way that they said it or because they did this or that. But the truth is that what comes out of you is what’s inside of you. And if you don’t like what’s inside, you can change it. 

[8:53] GOD does not change a blessing He has bestowed upon any people unless they themselves decide to change. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient. 

Another metaphor for life: Imagine you’re standing on a boat. It’s zooming along and you’re standing on the stern of the boat and you’re looking down. What do you see? The wake, and what is the wake? The trail that is left behind. Nothing more, nothing less. What’s driving the boat, what’s moving this boat in the direction it’s heading? Answer, the present moment energy that’s being generated by the engine. And nothing more. That’s the only thing that’s making the boat go in that forward direction.

Cont'd on page 3