November 2020: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Rabi I 1442

Volume 36 No 11

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Submitters Perspective

Monthly Bulletin of the International Community of Submitters Published by Masjid Tucson


[14:34] And He gives you all kinds of things that you implore Him for. If you count GOD’s blessings, you can never encompass them. Indeed, the human being is transgressing, unappreciative. 

[16:18] If you count GOD’s blessings, you cannot possibly encompass them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. 

Google definitions of blessing:
1. God’s favor and protection
2. A prayer asking for God’s favor and protection
3. A beneficial thing for which one is grateful

The first definition, God’s favor and protection, is God’s mercy.  His mercy allows the universes to exist, and He constantly maintains their existence.  7:156 teaches us that God’s mercy encompasses all things.  Therefore, every second of every minute of every hour is a blessing of God’s mercy.  God informs us in 14:34 and 16:18, God’s blessings are uncountable.

The second definition, a prayer asking for God’s favor and protection, includes all kinds of things we implore God for. 

These blessings are things provided to us apart from God’s all-encompassing mercy such as maintaining gravity so we don’t float up into space, or sending down water from the sky to revive the land, etc.  These particular blessings could be things like enabling us to make contact with the Creator by establishing Salat, or having the means to fix or buy a vehicle for transportation.  As stated in 14:34, these blessings are things God gives us that we are imploring to receive.  We learn in 17:11, the human being often prays for things that hurt us.  Therefore, God does not just give us what we ask for; He gives us exactly what we need as we need it.

The third definition, a beneficial thing for which one is grateful combines the first two definitions with an action of appreciation. Everything God gives us—whether it is gravity, water, Salat, or physical property—is beneficial to us. The added word, grateful, defines that we should appreciate our blessings all of the time, and therefore appreciate God all of the time.

God willing, we can eliminate drama and negativity in our lives with constant thanks and appreciation

to God for the number of blessings we can count. Since we never could encompass them, we would not have time to object to the things we do not understand.  We would be constantly thanking God for the blessings He is giving us.

God granted me blessings of knowledge and faith, thank you God.

[30:56] Those who are blessed with knowledge and faith will say, “You have lasted, according to GOD’s decree, until the Day of Resurrection. Now, this is the Day of Resurrection, but you failed to recognize it.”

God willing, I would like to take you back to my childhood.  February 21, 1975, was a time in my life I could not speak, read, or write.  Thank God, He provided me with hearing, eyesight, and brains so I could learn from all the things around me.  This learning process was a blessing although the outcomes were not always good for others or me.

When I was 3 years old, Mom used to babysit other people’s kids. 

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