July 2018: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Shawwal / Zul-Qi'dah 1439

Volume 34 No 7

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Submitters Perspective

Monthly Bulletin of the International Community of Submitters Published by Masjid Tucson

Submission (Islam): Keeping it simple and how I explain it to others

A few of my jobs in my life have brought me to places where it is not politically correct to be “Muslim” but I’ve never wavered in my faith. By God’s grace, I am proud of who I am and what I believe. Instead of being confrontational I have simply adopted the following guidelines for explaining it to others. I’ve done my best to keep it as simple as possible (based on my experiences of what people want to know) and it seems to work. It’s by no means a comprehensive guide to God’s religion (for that one needs to read the Quran). I have yet to get into any argument while following these guidelines and have found many of my co-workers and friends are even more accepting and supportive of me now, thank God.

1)  I believe in one God by whatever name you want to call Him (17:110). There are no others. He has no equal. I believe He created and runs everything. I believe we have one thing to accomplish in this world that is to worship Him and ultimately return to Him.  I believe this with every fiber of my being.

2)   Submission (in Arabic, Islam) is what makes sense for ME. So yes, I do pray 5x a day, or at least try to.

I do fast once a year and God willing will be able to do Hajj someday.  The “Islam” I practice is far different than the traditional culture-based Islam portrayed in the media. The culture of Islam (what most in western civilization would see as the Middle East) is vastly different than the religion of Submission sent down by God from the time of Abraham. I converted when I was 14 and I grew up in upstate New York and urban areas of Arizona. I do not speak Arabic. My views may be a bit different than the kid born in downtown Dubai, rural Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, etc. Submission (Islam) answered a lot of questions other religions could not.

3)  I do NOT require anyone else to believe the same. Freedom of religion is God’s decree (2:256, 18:29). I will NEVER try to cajole, intimidate, or threaten anyone else to believe the way I do. I will happily share information on my philosophies and why I believe what I do but I expect nothing but a simple exchange of information. I expect others to extend me the same courtesy. I will not change my views on my faith at this point, God willing. I don’t even expect my children or my wife to believe the same as me.

I give them information and expect them to make their own decisions. God guides whom He wills (28:56). You cannot FORCE anyone to be a submitter (10:99). Only God has this power (26:4). This is how I was taught and how I teach others.

4)  I believe in all the miracles mentioned in the Old Testament, Quran and New Testament. So yes, this includes the virgin birth of Jesus, parting of the Red Sea, Jesus healing the blind, … and the list goes on and on. I believe God did this with HIS power through the human agents that He created. God created EVERYTHING (2:29)! This includes the universe, so parting a puddle on our little mud ball (earth), having Mary become pregnant with Jesus, having Jesus speak from the crib, while pretty awesome, are not really that big of a deal once you understand the greatness of God. I look up every night at the sky, I listen to the wind blow and see miracles every day and I think they are no less convincing as proofs to me (45:3-5).

5)  I believe in the principle of self-responsibility (53:38-9). I will answer to God alone for MY sins and

Cont'd on page 2

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