GOD is running everything
Cont’d from page 1
We must constantly remind ourselves GOD is running everything especially
when we are at the brink of objecting to something or losing our
temper. When we lose our temper, we should tell ourselves we are
not submitters, because we are objecting to what GOD is doing.
This is a quality of GOD, which we must recognize. GOD is the doer
of everything, but nothing bad comes from GOD. Bad things are the
consequences of our own deeds.
Anything bad that happens to you is a consequence
of you own deeds, and He overlooks many of your sins. (42.30)
When we disbelieve or break GOD’s laws, we step out of GOD's
kingdom. Then Satan may inflict some damage. However, even the actions
of Satan are under GOD's control. GOD
would not be a god if he weren’t running everything.
For example, GOD created fire. We can use fire to cook, and we
can also put our fingers in fire, and burn them. GOD created fire
to be our servant, but if we choose to put our fingers in fire and
suffer, then this suffering is from us, not GOD. It is one of GOD's
physical laws that when we touch fire it burns. Similarly, if we
disobey GOD and use intoxicants, commit adultery or break other
laws of GOD, the punishment is the same as the fire—that is
we suffer sooner or later.
The consequence or punishment for these sins is just as bad as
the physical punishment for putting one’s fingers in the fire—even
more painful, only not as visible.
So, if GOD is doing everything, what is our role? What do we do?
We do only one thing. The decision. To be with GOD or to be with
Satan. After that, GOD takes over. The
decision to submit is already done. The choice is to willingly submit,
or unwillingly submit. For example, people who don't believe in
GOD are still submitting to GOD, except they are submitting unwillingly.
GOD runs everything. GOD wants His creations to be free as far as
decisions are concerned, until the Day of Judgment. Then on the
Day of Judgment everyone will submit willingly, including the people
who refused to submit to Him willingly in this life. But it will
be too late for them.
GOD created you from dust, then from a tiny drop,
then He causes you to reproduce through your spouses. No female
becomes pregnant, nor gives birth, without His knowledge. No one
survives for a long life, and no one's life is snapped short, except
in accordance with a pre-existing record. This is easy for GOD.
James H. / New Zealand
[Ed. note: a major portion of the article is
based on the Dr. Khalifa's khutba on the same topic.]
Story of a Brother Down Under
My dearest family in Submission at Masjid Tucson
I write this letter in spirit of good faith, sending my warmest
salutation to you and fellow Submitters there in Masjid Tucson.
I live in Perth, Australia, and have been constantly visiting
your tremendous and insightful web site on the true Islam
(Submission to God Alone). God be glorified and due to His
infinite grace, and thanks to your marvelous efforts with
the monthly Submitters Perspective newsletters and other literature,
I have now a better understanding about Submission that I
did not know before.
Just like the majority of believers, I had been raised up
in the traditional Islam in a Sunni/Hanafi environment. Since
a young age, I have always been a spiritual person and loved
hearing tales about God and religion. However, whenever my
eldest used to discuss religious matters with me, I would
always hear it from hadith (so-called stories of Muhammad)
and very little from the Quran. To keep the story brief, last
year (2004) I performed my Hajj, and I was so amazed and taken
by the great experience that when I arrived home I began to
search deeper information on Islam. After going through the
dozen of so-called "Islamic" web sites, God Almighty
pointed me to the right sources on the true Islam. He somehow
brought me to your web site and submission.org, and I haven't
stopped visiting your web site ever since I found it on my
I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for spreading
the real truth about Islam. God bless you, always.
Yours truly,
Ed.’s note: We welcome your comments,
suggestions and articles for the newsletter. Please submit
them in electronic form to info@masjidtucson.org
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