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Please note: calculations are rounded to the nearest minute;
Please verify dates and times to be safe.

Location is: Athens, Greece

Ramadan Information for 2025
First Fasting Day 1-Mar-2025 (Sat)
Calculations based on:
Begin New Moon (UTC): 28-Feb-2025 12:45 AM
New Moon (Local time): 28-Feb-2025 2:45 AM
Sunset after new moon: 28-Feb-2025 6:19 PM
Begin 10 nights 19-Mar-2025 (Wed)
Night of Destiny 26-Mar-2025 (Wed)
Last Fasting Day 29-Mar-2025 (Sat)
Calculations based on:
End New Moon (UTC):   29-Mar-2025 10:58 AM
New Moon (Local time): 29-Mar-2025 12:58 PM
Sunset after new moon: 29-Mar-2025 6:47 PM

Latitude: 37.9838096
Longitude : 23.7275388

Time zone matches: Europe/Athens
(note: formula approximations may lead to variations of a few minutes)