Resources for Students & Teachers

  1. Introduction to Submission (Islam)
  2. Understanding Islam —an introductory booklet on Submission (Islam)
  3. Glossary of common Quranic terms
  4. Information about the Practices of Submission
  5. Greatness of God
  6. Read the Quran in simple, easy to understand modern day english
  7. Find out more about the Quran
  8. The Mathematical miracle of Quran, a collection of Simple Facts on the Quran's proof
  9. 19: The Creator's Signature
  10. What is the Purpose of Our Creation?
  11. Women in Submission (Islam)
  12. Drugs and Alcohol, forbidden in Submission
  13. What does God say about maintaining chastity & keeping one's virginity?
  14. Submission (Islam) and the importance of chastity
  15. Family related topics (including marriage, divorce, adoption, abortion)
  16. What does Islam say about Jesus? What are the Quranic perspectives on Judaism, Christianity and other religions?
  17. Music and the Arts are not prohibited
  18. Attaining Happiness in this life and the Hereafter
  19. Terrorism forbidden in Submission
  20. Quran says: No compulsion in religion
  21. Dietary Regulations in Submission
  22. Does Islam really encourage Polygamy?
  23. How to Combat Religious Fanaticism
  24. Is Allah God of Muslims Only?
  25. Who Are Submitters and What is Submission? Universal Unity of all submitters (righteous Jews, Christians and Muslims)
  26. Submission (Islam) and other religions
  27. Concept of Jihad, Resorting to War, Aggression and Oppression
  28. Moral Relativity vs. God's Laws
  29. Ramadan and Fasting, Ramadan reflections: count your blessings
  30. What is the Salat (Contact Prayers / Namaz) that muslims pray 5 times a day?
  31. Submission (Islam) emphasizes the importance of honoring parents, the parent-child bond
  32. Science vs. Religion
  33. Scientific facts in Quran

