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*4:1 This is the second longest sura, and the title indicates that it aims at defending the women's rights. Any interpretation must favor the women's rights, not the other way around.

*4:3 See Appendix 30 for a detailed discussion of polygamy.

*4:11 Generally, the son is responsible for a family, while the daughter is taken care of by a husband. However, the Quran recommends in 2:180 that a will shall be left to conform with the specific circumstances of the deceased. For example, if the son is rich and the daughter is poor, one may leave a will giving the daughter everything, or twice as much as the son.

*4:15 A woman witnessed by four people in the act of committing adultery on four different occasions, with four different partners, represents a danger to public health. Such a woman is a depository of germs, and a health quarantine protects the society from her. A good example of an exit that saves a quarantined woman is marriage—someone may wish to marry her, and thus protect her and the society.

*4:16 Public exposure of the sinners is a major deterrent, as we see in 5:38 and 24:2.

*4:24 If believing women flee their disbelieving husbands who are at war with the believers, they do not have to obtain a divorce before remarriage. See 60:10.

*4:25 This law proves that the punishment for adultery could not possibly be stoning to death as stated in the laws of corrupted Muslims (see 24:2).

*4:34 God prohibits wife-beating by using the best psychological approach. For example, if I don't want you to shop at Market X, I will ask you to shop at Market Y, then at Market Z, then, as a last resort, at Market X. This will effectively stop you from shopping at Market X, without insulting you. Similarly, God provides alternatives to wife-beating; reasoning with her first, then employing certain negative incentives. Remember that the theme of this sura is defending the women's rights and countering the prevalent oppression of women. Any interpretation of the verses of this sura must be in favor of the women. This sura's theme is "protection of women."

**4:34 This expression simply means that God is appointing the husband as "captain of the ship." Marriage is like a ship, and the captain runs it after due consultation with his officers. A believing wife readily accepts God's appointment, without mutiny.

*4:46 The word "Raa'ena" was twisted by some Hebrew speaking people to sound like a dirty word. See 2:104.

*4:48 Idol worship is not forgivable, if maintained until death. One can always repent from any offense, including idolatry before death comes (see 4:18 & 40:66).

*4:78 Bad things are consequences of our own deeds (42:30, 64:11), though God is the doer of everything (8:17). God created the fire to serve us, but you can decide to put your finger in it. We thus hurt ourselves. It is God's law that if you put your finger in the fire, it will hurt.

*4:79 Muhammad was not given any proof of prophethood. Hence the expression "God suffices as a witness" (29:51-52). The gematrical value of "Muhammad" is 92, and 92 + 79 = 171 = 19 x 9.

*4:82 Although the Quran was revealed during the dark ages, you cannot find any nonsense in it; another proof of divine authorship (see the Introduction and App. 1).

*4:89 The basic rule controlling all fighting is stated in 60:8-9.

*4:92 Since slavery does not exist, the offender must atone by fasting two consecutive months.

*4:103 Your god is whoever or whatever occupies your mind most of the day. In order to belong in God's kingdom, and enjoy His grace and protection, the Quran exhorts us to remember God "always" (2:152 & 200, 3:191, 33:41-42). This profound fact explains the numerous verses asserting that "most" of those who believe in God are going to Hell (12:106, 23:84-89, 29:61-63, 31:25, 39:38, 43:87). See Footnote 3:191 and Appendix 27.

*4:116 A simple definition of idolatry: Believing that anything beside God can help you.

*4:118 The majority of believers in God fall into idolatry (12:106).

*4:125 All messengers since Adam have preached one and the same religion. Abraham was the original messenger of the creed named "Islam" (22:78, Appendix 26). "Islam" is not a name, but rather a description meaning "Submission."

*4:129 See Appendix 30, entitled "Polygamy."

*4:157-158 Jesus, the real person, the soul, was raised in the same manner as in the death of any righteous person. Subsequently, his enemies arrested, tortured, and crucified his living, but empty, body. See Appendices 17 & 22, and the book "Jesus: Myths and Message" by Lisa Spray (Universal Unity, Fremont, California, 1992).

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