*13:1 These initials constitute a major component of the Quran's built-in proof of divine authorship, the miraculous mathematical code. See Appendix 1.
*13:30 If we add the gematrical value of "Rashad" (505), plus the value of "Khalifa" (725), plus the sura number (13), plus the verse number (30), we get 505+725+13+30 = 1273 = 19x67. God thus specifies the name of His messenger (see Appendix 2 for the details).
*13:37-38 The verse number (38) = 19x2. Placing the values of "Rashad" (505) and "Khalifa" (725) next to 13:37-38, gives 505 725 13 37 38, or 19x26617112302 (Appendix 2).