I seek refuge in God, from Satan the rejected

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Sura 104: The Backbiter (Al-Humazah)

[104:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[104:1] Woe to every backbiter, slanderer.

[104:2] He hoards money and counts it.

[104:3] As if his money will make him immortal.

[104:4] Never; he will be thrown into the Devastator.

[104:5] Do you know what the Devastator is?

[104:6] GOD's blazing Hellfire.

[104:7] It burns them inside out.

[104:8] They will be confined therein.

[104:9] In extended columns.

Cumulative frequency of the word GOD for this Sura =   Cumulative sum of verses where the word GOD occurs for this Sura =
2694   118117