(Orders may be placed online, by mailing ICS/Masjid Tucson, PO Box 43476, Tucson, AZ 85733, or emailing: info@masjidtucson.org. Sorry, we are unable to take orders on the phone.)
Translated From the Original by Dr. Rashad Khalifa
Millennium Edition, 760 pages with Arabic text
ISBN 1-881893-03-0 …………………….…. $19.00
Quran’s mathematical code in table form
by Dr. Rashad Khalifa
ISBN 0-934894-38-8 …………….…………. $10.00
Quran's math code illustrated by Dr. R. Khalifa
ISBN 0-934894-30-2 ………………………. $10.00
The role of Quran and Hadith in Islam
by Dr. Rashad Khalifa, Paperback
ISBN 0-934894-35-3 ……….………………. $10.00
Step by step explanation of the five prayers
Booklet ……………………….……….…...….. $2.00
(Special: Order 2 or more copies for $1.50/copy)
Recommended to be read with the Contact Prayer (Salat) video
Dr. Khalifa debates a challenger
Find answers to life’s questions
All duties and prohibitions
Explained by the discoverer
Details of Prayers explained
Details of Friday Prayer/Sermon explained
1987-88 (4 DVDs), 1989 (3 DVDs).
The final argument
Why problems and misery in the world?
One message, one religion
God’s message is renewed
Signs of God and math structure in the scriptures
Perfect for beginners
Translated by Sister Laleh
Hardback, 760 pages with Arabic text
ISBN 1-59584-016-8 ………….………….…. $25.00
An exploration of the identity & message of Jesus,
by Lisa Spray
ISBN 1-881893-00-6 ……….….……………. $10.00
God’s Message in Mathematics,
by Abdullah Arik
Series 1: The Basmalah
ISBN 978-1-890825-02-7..............................… $5.00
What the Quran says about women's rights, Paperback, 277 pages by Lisa Spray
ISBN 0-9714813-3-4 ……….….……………. $15.00
(Kindle Edition) by Lisa Spray
ISBN 978-1890825-07-2
Corrupt Religion and the Search for Spiritual Peace
by Douglass Brown, Ph.D.
ISBN 0-971481350 Paperback ……...……..... $15.00
$10 for one CD including shipping.
The Night of Destiny live commemoration (2008). Beautiful Zikr recorded by Vaaleh and submitters live in 2008.
NOTE: All prices include shipping and handling for USPS Media Mail. Additional fees apply for shipping outside of USA.
Orders must be pre-paid by check, cash or money order: ICS/Masjid Tucson, PO Box 43476, Tucson, AZ 85733. Please email us at info@masjidtucson.org for more details on international orders, using PayPal or other questions.