Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, [Quran 23:112] He said, "How long have you lasted on earth? How many years?" [23:113] They said, "We lasted a day or part of a day. Ask those who counted." [23:114] He said, "In fact, you stayed but a brief interim, if you only knew. Choose Your Priorities Carefully This Life [Quran 17:18] Anyone who chooses this fleeting life as his priority, we will rush to him what we decide to give him, then we commit him to Gehenna, where he suffers forever, despised and defeated. The Hereafter [17:19] As for those who choose the Hereafter as their priority, and work righteousness, while believing, their efforts will be appreciated. One lesson life keeps reminding us of is that we are here for a very short time. For example, it seems that 2025 started recently but January is almost over. Given how time flies, it is worth asking questions like: What am I doing today that has meaning and purpose? If I return to my Creator tomorrow, what will God say to me? Did I do my best with the chances I was given or what can I do differently? Let us take time today to reflect on what we truly want to do. References Goal in Life, Why Were We Created? Peace.