Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, Overwhelming Signs of God [Quran 2:164] In the creation of the heavens and the earth, the alternation of night and day, the ships that roam the ocean for the benefit of the people, the water that GOD sends down from the sky to revive dead land and to spread in it all kinds of creatures, the manipulation of the winds, and the clouds that are placed between the sky and the earth, there are sufficient proofs for people who understand. When we look up and see soft white clouds gliding across a bright blue sky or the brilliant colors at sunset, our first thought may be one of admiring the beauty in God's design. In addition to their visual appeal, clouds serve a very important purpose in the water cycle. Without clouds we would not have rain and snow that are necessary for supporting life on our planet. It is estimated that about 80% of agricultural land worldwide depends on rainfall. And even stored ground water needs to be replenished through water from the clouds. Clouds also play a key role in regulating the planet's temperature and climate by reflecting sunlight, trapping thermal energy and moving energy from warm areas to cooler areas. Glory be to God who created the clouds and everything else on our beautiful earth! References Water: A Precious gift, Water -- part of God's Perfect Design, Peace.