Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, [Quran 45:22] GOD created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose, in order to pay each soul for whatever it earned, without the least injustice.* *45:22 God granted us this life as a precious chance to redeem ourselves, denounce our ancient alliance with Satan, and rejoin God's kingdom. See Introduction & Appendix 7. [Quran 13:41] Do they not see that every day on earth, brings them closer to the end, and that GOD decides their life span, irrevocably? He is the most efficient Reckoner. We have this life as a precious chance to redeem our souls, or our real selves. While the place our bodies were born in or the circumstances we live in today may vary greatly, one thing that is common is our souls are all irreversibly heading for a meeting with our Lord (Quran 84:6). Most of us think about questions like, "Did I study enough today? Am I nearer to my goals at work? What will I eat tomorrow? etc." Do we also think of questions like, "Did I pray to God? Was I truthful and kind? Was I appreciative? Did I take the opportunity to give to charity?" and so on? May God help us fulfill our purpose in life and draw closer to Him. References: Why Were We Created? or watch at: Goals and Priorities, Peace.