In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
There is no other god beside GOD

Quran Verse Range Counts

I seek refuge in GOD, from Satan the rejected

Begin Sura: Verse:
   End Sura: Verse:
Include unnumbered Basmalahs?
Count from begin to end verses inclusive?

SuraNumber of Verses in Sura
1 6
2 286
3 200
4 176
5 120
6 165
7 206
8 75
9 127
10 109
11 123
12 111
13 43
14 52
15 99
16 128
17 111
18 110
19 98
20 135
21 112
22 78
23 118
24 64
25 77
26 227
27 93
28 88
29 69
30 60
31 34
32 30
33 73
34 54
35 45
36 3

Number of verses (does not include first verse) between [1:1] and [36:3] is: 3705

Happiness is Submission to God

United Submitters International / International Community of Submitters / Masjid Tucson
The world wide community of those who submit to God alone and advocate the worship of God alone
All Praise Be To God!