In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
There is no other god beside GOD

Appendix 1: The word "One," in Arabic "Wahed", occurs in the Quran 19 times in reference to "GOD"

One / Wahed - 19 occurrences in reference to GOD
Occurrence Verse Number GOD Arabic (transliterated)
1 2:61 No wa?idin
2 2:163 Yes ( 1 ) wa?idun
3 4:11 No wa?idin
4 4:12 No wa?idin
5 4:171 Yes ( 2 ) wa?idun
6 5:73 Yes ( 3 ) wa?idun
7 6:19 Yes ( 4 ) wa?idun
8 12:39 Yes ( 5 ) l-wa?idu
9 12:67 No wa?idin
10 13:4 No wa?idin
11 13:16 Yes ( 6 ) l-wa?idu
12 14:48 Yes ( 7 ) l-wa?idi
13 14:52 Yes ( 8 ) wa?idun
14 16:22 Yes ( 9 ) wa?idun
15 16:51 Yes ( 10 ) wa?idun
16 18:110 Yes ( 11 ) wa?idun
17 21:108 Yes ( 12 ) wa?idun
18 22:34 Yes ( 13 ) wa?idun
19 24:2 No wa?idin
20 29:46 Yes ( 14 ) wa?idun
21 37:4 Yes ( 15 ) lawa?idun
22 38:65 Yes ( 16 ) l-wa?idu
23 39:4 Yes ( 17 ) l-wa?idu
24 40:16 Yes ( 18 ) l-wa?idi
25 41:6 Yes ( 19 ) wa?idun

International Community of Submitters / Masjid Tucson
The world wide community of those who Submit to God Alone and advocate the worship of God Alone
Praise Be To God, Lord of the Universe