Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, Human beings are impatient by nature (Quran 17:11, 21:37). So, God reminds us to be patient in the Quran. This includes examples in Quran of righteous messengers who were blessed by God to be patient (Quran 12:18, 21:85, 37:102, 46:35, etc.). Even in times where we can inflict an equivalent punishment, it is better to resort to patience (Quran 16:126-127, 42:40-43). This takes sincere effort and God's help. [Quran 16:126-127] And if you punish, you shall inflict an equivalent punishment. But if you resort to patience (instead of revenge), it would be better for the patient ones. You shall resort to patience--and your patience is attainable only with GOD's help. Do not grieve over them, and do not be annoyed by their schemes. [Quran 42:43] Resorting to patience and forgiveness reflects a true strength of character. Another area to exercise patience is when peope's utterances are a test. God says to be patient and commemorate God, that we may be happy (Quran 20:130, 50:39). [Quran 20:130] Therefore, be patient in the face of their utterances, and praise and glorify your Lord before sunrise and before sunset. And during the night glorify Him, as well as at both ends of the day, that you may be happy. [Quran 50:39-40] Therefore, be patient in the face of their utterances, and praise and glorify your Lord before sunrise, and before sunset. During the night you shall meditate on His name, and after prostrating. References: Patience, a test of Submission, Steadfastness in Tests, Peace.