Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, God guarantees victory, health, wealth, peace of mind, and perfect happiness for those who follow His guidance (Quran 2:38; 3:160; 22:38, 40; 24:55; 30:47 & 40:51). Why then are "Muslim" countries among the poorest, least developed and most tyrannized? Why are words like "wisdom", "freedom", "justice" and "peace" not associated with God's religion? The answer is simple. Most Muslims have forsaken the word of God (Quran), and instead uphold the words of men (Hadith and Sunna--lies attributed to the Prophet). To find enlightenment, peace and happiness, Muslims must abandon the Hadith and Sunna and return to God's word, the Quran alone. The Quran proclaims that the Quran is complete, perfect, and fully detailed (6:19, 38, 114, 115; 50:45), and that religious regulations not specifically instituted in the Quran constitute a religion other than Islam, i.e., Submission (42:21, 17:46). The true believers uphold the Quran, the whole Quran, and nothing but the Quran. This principle is confirmed by the Quran's mathematical code. Verse 46 of Sura 17 proclaims that we shall uphold the Quran ALONE. The word "ALONE" occurs in the Quran 6 times: 7:70, 17:46, 39:45, 40:12 & 84, and 60:4. All these occurrences refer to God, except 17:46. When we add the numbers of suras and verses which refer to "GOD ALONE," we get 361, 19x19. This proves that 17:46 refers to "the Quran ALONE." O people, enlightenment has come to you herein from your Lord, and healing for anything that troubles your hearts, and guidance, and mercy for the believers. [Quran 10:57] ... Which Hadith, other than God and His revelations, do they uphold? [Quran 45:6] ... The Quran is not a fabricated Hadith; details everything. ... [Quran 12:111] References: Quran, Hadith and Islam, Hadith & Sunna: Satanic Innovations, Quran: All You Need For Salvation, Peace.