Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, The 2011 Submitters Conference will be held in Washington DC, from July 15-17 God willing (more information available at: ). Make your plans to attend, and meet your brothers and sisters (49:10, 18:28) -- your eternal family -- from all corners of the world. Plus we get to remember God (Quran 3:191) and increase our knowledge (58:11). {subtitle} The Real Family [Quran 49:10] The believers are members of one family ... [Quran 3:191] They remember GOD* while standing, sitting, and on their sides, and they reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the earth: "Our Lord, You did not create all this in vain. Be You glorified. Save us from the retribution of Hell. [3:192] "Our Lord, whomever You commit to Hell are the ones You have forsaken. Such transgressors have no helpers. [3:193] "Our Lord, we have heard a caller calling to faith and proclaiming: 'You shall believe in your Lord,' and we have believed. Our Lord, forgive us our transgressions, remit our sins, and let us die as righteous believers. {footnote} *3:191 Your god is whoever or whatever occupies your mind most of the time. The true believers are those who remember God most of the time. See 23:84-89 and Appendix 27 ( [Quran 73:8] You shall commemorate the name of your Lord, to come ever closer and closer to Him. Read about a Submitter's experience at a past conference: Peace.