Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, It is Christmas season. Submitters don't make distinctions among God's messengers or celebrate the birthdays of specific ones (4:150-152, 4:164). Instead we focus on God (4:103). On the worldly side, humans like getting nice gifts. The real giving, however, is in God's way. Why not spend any excess money we can afford giving to charity instead? [Quran 2:219] ... They also ask you what to give to charity: say, "The excess." GOD thus clarifies the revelations for you, that you may reflect, [Quran 3:133-134] You should eagerly race towards forgiveness from your Lord and a Paradise whose width encompasses the heavens and the earth; it awaits the righteous, who give to charity during the good times, as well as the bad times. They are suppressors of anger, and pardoners of the people. GOD loves the charitable. The Plain Truth about Christmas: Peace.