In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
There is no other god beside GOD

Abdullah Arik 1953-2012

[2:156] …  "We belong to GOD, and to Him we are returning."

Brother Abdullah Arik was taken back to God on November 23, after a brief illness. God kept him devoted to Him and free of suffering till the end, and submitters who visited him found him striving in the cause of God, remembering and commemorating Him, as well as exhorting the believers to do the same.

While Dr. Khalifa was alive, he placed brother Abdullah in charge of the Masjid when he (Dr. Khalifa) was away. When he departed in 1990, it was a challenging time for the community. The community could have dissolved and scattered but for God's protection. Instead, God blessed us with a period of growth. Abdullah had a full time job and a young family. It wasn’t easy to shoulder this heavy responsibility. But he did it without complaint, and always to please God only. Quran 2:207 describes those who dedicate their life to serving God. Submitters in Masjid Tucson saw in their brother an example of a servant of God, for whom pleasing God was the priority.

[2:207] Then there are those who dedicate their lives to serving GOD; GOD is compassionate towards such worshipers.

The Hereafter

[17:19] As for those who choose the Hereafter as their priority, and work righteousness, while believing, their efforts will be appreciated.


[46:16] It is from these that we accept the righteous works, and overlook their sins. They have deserved Paradise. This is the truthful promise that is promised to them.

We pray that God will continue to guide us as individuals and as a community to move forward, and grant us wisdom and strength. Our only job on this earth is to worship God alone (51:56). If we remember this, and work righteousness, then God says He rewards the righteous with Paradise. While death is a mystery to most, God informs us that the believers are taken in a state of righteousness (16:30-32), to join the prophets, saints and martyrs in an active and utopian life (36:26). The Quran gives us good news that the righteous do not really die, they go straight to Paradise (2:154, 3:169, 8:24, 22:58, 16:32, 36:20-27, 44:56, 89:27-30, etc.). May this be the destiny for us all, God willing.

[2:25] Give good news to those who believe and lead a righteous life that they will have gardens with flowing streams. When provided with a provision of fruits therein, they will say, "This is what was provided for us previously." Thus, they are given allegorical descriptions. They will have pure spouses therein, and they abide therein forever.

Two Deaths and Two Lives for the Disbelievers*

[2:28] How can you disbelieve in GOD when you were dead and He gave you life, then He puts you to death, then He brings you back to life, then to Him you ultimately return?

*2:28 The righteous do not really die; they go straight to Heaven. When their interim on this earth comes to an end, the angels of death simply invite them to go to the same Paradise where Adam and Eve once lived (2:154, 3:169, 8:24, 22:58, 16:32, 36:20-27, 44:56, 89:27-30). Thus, while the righteous experience only the first death following our original sin, the unrighteous go through two deaths (40:11). At the time of death, the disbelievers know their miserable fate (8:50, 47:27), then they suffer a continuous nightmare that lasts until Hell is created (40:46, 89:23, Appendix 17).

They Go Straight to Paradise

[16:32] The angels terminate their lives in a state of righteousness, saying, "Peace be upon you. Enter Paradise (now) as a reward for your works."*

*16:30-32 The righteous taste only the first death, which has been already experienced by all of us (see 44:56). At the end of their interim in this world, the angels of death simply invite them to move on to the Paradise where Adam and Eve once lived (2:154, 3:169, 8:24, 22:58, 36:27).

[26:82] "The One who hopefully will forgive my sins on the Day of Judgment. [26:83] "My Lord, grant me wisdom, and include me with the righteous. [26:84] "Let the example I set for the future generations be a good one. [26:85] "Make me one of the inheritors of the blissful Paradise.

The Righteous Go Straight to Paradise*

[36:26-27] (At the time of his death) he was told, "Enter Paradise." He said, "Oh, I wish my people knew. That my Lord has forgiven me, and made me honorable."

*36:26 The righteous do not really die; they simply move on to the same Paradise where Adam & Eve lived. They join the prophets, saints, and martyrs in an active and utopian life (see App. 17).

- Submitters in Tucson, AZ


International Community of Submitters / Masjid Tucson
The world wide community of those who Submit to God Alone and advocate the worship of God Alone
Praise Be To God, Lord of the Universe